Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mary & Martha & Comic-Con

This past weekend's sermon on Mary and Martha has stuck with me in some really neat ways. If you're interested in the sermon, my church, MCCLA, does live streaming, so the whole thing can be viewed here. The basics of the story are pretty simple- when Jesus comes to visit the sisters Mary and Martha, Martha is busy with the preparations for Jesus's visit, and stays busy even after he arrives. Mary, however, sits at Jesus's feet to listen. When Martha asks Jesus to make Mary help, he chides her saying that Mary has made a wise choice.

The sermon was on knowing when to reign in our Mary moments and our Martha moments. We all have those Martha type A, organizing, planning, fixing etc., moments, and we have those relaxing, reflecting, and spiritual Mary moments. They key isn't in saying one is better than the other or choosing one way to live- it's finding balance. Good stuff, because I've been thinking about it non-stop!

So I found myself today saying, "Okay, today you can be all Martha, get everything packed, organized, scratch off your to do lists, and play with all the bits and pieces. Tomorrow you can be a little Martha, just a little. But come Thursday, once you're at Comic-Con, it's time to take a break, girl! Enjoy yourself! Have some Mary moments, take the time for the silly and the geeky, and have a blast!"

Of course, afterwards, Martha will be kicking back in, and you can watch this space for Comic-Con blogs, reports on panels from Eureka to Castle to Psych to White Collar. And pictures! And generally girl geek squeeing, naturally! Martha's also going to kick my butt into keeping a more regular blog, while hopefully Mary will direct me to plenty to talk about!

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