Sunday, November 1, 2009

NANO: Day: 01

I'm currently rocking it out to the Tokyo Symphony Pops performing a cover of a Do As Infinity song. Why? One of my weird writing quirks is that I don't listen to music with lyrics (or at least not in a language I sing in, which rules out the Latin based languages, Hindi, Gaelic, German, English of the old, middle and current varieties, and actual Latin. My choir education was far too thorough!) So I have many symphony covers and a lot of Japanese, Chinese, and Iranian music in the writing queue. I also raid score soundtracks like mad. All this because I (and a number of other writers I know) have found the lyrics of songs influence word choice sometimes. It can also prove distracting if you like to sing (and I do!) If you haven't discovered it, the "Friday Night Lights" Soundtrack, featuring Explosions in the Sky is brilliant, and I'm a big fan of some of the experimental and lyricless Nine Inch Nails work, such as Ghosts. It can also be great to raid the various world symphonies, from London to Tokyo to Moscow. I also count on my friend, Kris, purveyor of music rare, exotic, and fabulous, to keep the list growing and rotating.

So I have a list of writing music for when I'm actually working, which would seem to render the popular writing activity of creating a lyrical playlist related to the project. Wrong! I have those as well. Which seems useless, except the burned CD's for this project have taken up residence in my car stereo, my MP3 player, and during my web surfing time. Since my pilot is a very strongly religious and philisophical list, the songs are focused in that area, but may indicate a little about how I regard all organized religion. Some tracks include:

-Mama Who Bore Me from "Spring Awakening" (talks about those who wish Jesus would come but would have no clue what to do if he did.)
-From A Distance, the John Barrowman cover (gay man covering a religious staple. Awesome!)
-Amhran Duit by Loreena McKennitt (was a memorial choice for a friend, very moving piece!)
-Only the Good Die Young by Billy Joel (okay, so I have some issues with the Catholic end of the spectrum, but I do love this song!)
-Ave Maria (Singular most beautiful piece of holy music, in my opinion)
-Sympathy for the Devil by The Rolling Stones

Like I said, covers a range, which suits the tone of the pilot well, as it has comic moments, dramatic moments, heartbreaking moments, and poignant religious moments.

Today's actual progress update:

I'm working on my final outline and treatment, starting in the more 'planning' end of the pilot. It went well, no major hitches yet, and I seem to be out of 'script supervisor' brain space, not logic-ing everything to death. Page count is a little over where I anticipated being today. Yay!

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